Manitoba Morgan Horse Club

Welcome from the Manitoba Morgan
Horse Club!
CMHA 2023 Calendars are on sale now. Please order yours by contacting the CMHA office at
MMHC AGM Sat. March 11, 2022 1:30 was held via Zoom due to weather conditions.
MMHC provides opportunities for Morgan horse enthusiasts to get together to "Share the Passion"

The objectives of the Manitoba Morgan Horse Club:
To promote, through education, the understanding and appreciation of the Morgan Horse as the ideal family horse, while striving to preserve the tradition of the Breed under the direction of
The Canadian Morgan Horse Association Inc.
To recognize and maintain true-to-type breed standards in conjunction with the established
system of registration under the (CLRC) Canadian Livestock Records Corporation.
To co-operate with other breed associations and agricultural organizations while promoting the
Light Horse Industry in Canada.
To portray the Morgan Horse as the versatile breed as demonstrated by member participation in all types of shows and events while maintaining friendship and goodwill between Morgan owners and relative associations/clubs.
On an individual basis, club members participate in pleasure riding, trail rides, western style and cowboy dressage, endurance riding and driving events to name a few. We welcome your input and participation into future MMHC activities.

"Share the Passion"
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